Classes will never be boring on an airship traveling around the world! Imagine gliding over the Amazon River in South America or retracing Ulysses' journeys through the Greek Islands. Picture what it would be like to hover over the Great Pyramids in Egypt or follow a herd of elephants across the African plains. The University Blimp will turn geography lessons into exciting real-life adventures.

This image of the future can be found in the 1982 book The Kids' Whole Future Catalog.
See also:
The Kids' Whole Future Catalog (1982)
Homework in the Future (1981)
The Answer Machine (1964)
The Road Ahead: Future Classroom (1995)
Closer Than We Think! (1958-1963)
Connections: AT&T's Vision of the Future (Part 7, 1993)
Project 2000 - Apple Computer (1988)
Apparently the part of the field trip depicted in the illustration is the exciting low-flying pass over the garbage dumps of Jersey.
It wouldn't be 1982 without a Media Wall.
There was a television program in my youth whose plot featured the very same idea, yet set aboard a cruise liner. And I do recall one sinking awhile back, whose rescued passengers included a grouping of students on a class trip. So perhaps this is a posting that came about, yet on a vessel of a different sort, similarly decked out.
There is such thing as a University Cruise, a boat that takes students around the world for one semester. Admittedly not as awesome as a balloon, but still- pretty awesome. It's found here:
There is a seaborne university campus, too. For 16 weeks students can study courses like international business and conflict studies. An Australian university will give the students credits towards a degree. Got 20 grand laying around?
The Economist
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