It's been awhile. Glad you're still with us.
Haven't blogged in a couple months but I hear it's just like riding a bicycle, you never forget how. Unless maybe you go batshit crazy and drive around the West Coast aimlessly for two weeks. Then blogging is probably less like riding a bike and more like that friend you used to get drunk with but you can't tell him to leave you alone because he once saved your life....
So, let's get to the drinkin'!
Also, if you'd like to follow me on Twitter, feel free. But I can't promise exclusively paleo-futuristic material. It's good to be back.
Whew. I thought we'd lost you forever! Thanks for coming back.
I second that emotion.I don't know how many of us enjoy this kind of thing,but I suspect quite a few.
Keep up the great work!
Where's the beer?
Nice to see you back.
Welcome back! Sure missed you.
Welcome back to you too!
Looking forward to more of your great work!
I was sure that you finally suceeded in a back-to-the-past machine.
Tell us about the future you saw there :-)
Welcome back – you've been missed!
thank god you're back - one of my favorite blogs!
Good stuff, keep it coming :)
Thank god you're back. I was getting tired of talking about Calif. cities. Hope you were able to find Gram Parson's remains on your "trip".
I hope all is well now.
Just today I was thinking of this blog. I still have it on my RSS list. How lucky I was of looking at it and see it already had a couple of new updates. Thanks for coming back.
Now, why the absence, if I may ask?
Good to see you're back!
Good to have you back. Love reading your blog.
Seeing the article about Popular Science I was reminded about a SERIES of articles I read in this magazine during the late 60's early 70's.
In these articles they described in Detail the workings of an Air-conditioner System that ran totally on AIR...
a blower forced air through a venturi, heating it. The heated air went through a Radiator of sorts wheich cooled it and then it was channeled back into the Car, house etc. after being expanded.
The resulting air flow was much colder than the air coming into the unit.... In fact they said that in a CAR installation they had to mix warm Air in with the cold air to keep the people in the car from Freezing....
These articles ran for months off and on... Then like magic... they stopped publishing them....
What ever happened to this Air conditioner.???
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