Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Connections: AT&T's Vision of the Future (Part 2, 1993)

In 1993, AT&T produced a video called Connections: AT&T's Vision of the Future. Today we offer part 2, which features a photo-capable tablet that also serves as a picturephone. The acting in this section is particularly priceless. (And by priceless, I mean wooden.)

See also:
Connections: AT&T's Vision of the Future (Part 1, 1993)
AT&T "You Will" (1993)
Apple's Knowledge Navigator (1987)


davesgonechina said...

Hey, I've been following your blog and its great. The AT&T stuff reminded me that they once had an AT&T Museum in the AT&T building on Madison Avenue in NYC that had an exhibit about their vision of the future in the 90s, before Sony took over the building. Can't find any pictures online but it was this kinda stuff.

MattyMatt said...

Whenever these predictive videos have tablet/phone/camera devices, they're always held down, below the user's head, at stomach-level; so th person on the other end would get a very unflattering view. But the person on the screen is always shot dead-on, with camera at face-level. Seems like very little thought went into the camera positioning.

Apple's 1987 Navigator video does the same thing.

Unknown said...

All I could hear was "save basketball" and I thought that this evil white dude was going to be tearing down the gym and RUINING BASKETBALL FOREVER!

Unknown said...

Then what happened? Did they save Bassett Hall, or did the city planner convince her that this new housing complex was for the best... I'm on the edge of my seat.

Unknown said...

So did they just steal stock footage from MacGyver, or was it Walker Texas Ranger.

The whole "Our city needs a community center, not your big apartment complex because you're a huge multi-national-conglomerate a-hole" plot line may have been used before.

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