Friday, August 10, 2007

Transportation in 2000 A.D. (1966)

This interview from the 1966 radio documentary 2000 A.D. asks William Roman, chairman of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority, about our transportation needs for the future. An excerpt appears below but you can hear the entire (5 minute) interview here.

I think we're going to find new types of transportation. I think the vertical rise aircraft is just about to come into its own, so that we'll be able to have airports which will be close in to the central parts of our cities. And these vertical rise aircraft will take very little space. They'll be able to take-off and carry people and I think they're going to prove to be answer to what some thought the helicopter would be able to produce for us in the past.

See also:
2000 A.D. Radio Documentary (1966)
Going Backward into 2000 (1966)
Commuter Helicopter (1947)
Disney's Magic Highway, U.S.A. (1958)
Farm to Market (1958)

1 comment:

Ran Barton said...

Curiously, Boeing and Bell continue to speak to nearly identical benefits with their BA609 tilt-rotor.

It'll be great when it finally happens one day. ;->

Your blog is a wonderful read - thank you for it.

Ran Barton