I can't believe it's been a
year since we last looked at the book,
The Tricentennial Report: Letters from America. Published by the Atlantic Richfield Company in 1977, the book collects the hopes and fears of common people looking forward 100 years to the United States Tricentennial.
The advertisement below appeared in the June 16, 1976
Oakland Tribune (Oakland, CA) and asked for submissions from the general public.
While we here at the Paleo-Future blog usually abhor input from readers, this seems like as good a time as any to open up the floor to discussion. What do you think the year 2076 A.D. will look like? Remember, you have 32 years on these people. Your predictions should then be 32 years smarter. Right, smarty-pants? Right?

When you're done with your prediction, mail it to:
The Mayor of Blog
10101 Blogosphere Lane
Internet, California 95041
See also:
The Tricentennial Report: Letters from America (1977)Lisa's Picture of 2076 (1976)Tricentennial Report Ad (Oakland Tribune, 1976)Animals of 2076 (1977)